At Pepper Lunch, we believe that quality ingredients make a difference.

Find out how we consistently serve irresistible delicious and quality food.


  • We procure quality beef from approved reputable providers for a consistent supply of meat.

    • For all the sliced beef, we use corn-fed beef that is sourced from the U.S.A.. They are shipped over and sliced in Hong Kong for maximum freshness.

    • For the steaks in the Premium Beef Series*, they are carefully selected and sourced from different origins from approved suppliers.

  • The beef imported must be inspected and certified by either USDA’s or AEMIS's** as well as the The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, FEHD in Hong Kong. This ensures the safety, suitability and integrity of the meat products that we serve. We put tremendous effort in maintaining the quality of our beef to bring you the same quality and satisfaction since Pepper Lunch started.


  • Conduct thorough inspection and review based on our food safety standards set by Japan before we appoint any new food factories.

  • Audit the appointed food factories regularly to ensure that they continuously comply with our strict food safety standards that are adapted from the established international standards.


  • Work closely with Japan's leading hygiene experts - to develop standard operating procedures and manuals, to conduct food safety and hygiene classes for staff, to audit our food safety and hygiene standards in our outlets as a neutral third-party, etc.

  • Adhere with the food safety regulations of local authorities to maintain high food safety and hygiene standards.


  • Our Garlic Soy Sauce and Honey Brown Sauce are our in-house proprietary sauces. Specially concocted by our founder, Mr Kunio Ichinose, and they give our food its distinctive irresistible flavours that you can't help but come back for more!

  • The ingredient that gives our dishes their depth and mouth-watering aroma is our Signature Margarine. Made with a blend of fried garlic and special sauces, make sure you mix them in well for maximum flavours.

  • Black Peppercorns are ground daily in-store just so that you get to enjoy a consistently fresh and intense peppery punch in each visit. A Pepper Lunch's tradition since the start!

* : Applicable to selected steaks in Hong Kong menus only. Steaks used vary from country to country.

** : USDA and AEMIS refers to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Australian Export Meat Inspection System (AEMIS). They are the governing bodies of food and meat products in the U.S.A. and Australia respectively.

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